Dan McKinnon, Senior Advisor & Retirement Income Specialist | Total Wealth Concepts Ltd.

Dan McKinnon

Senior Advisor & Retirement Income Specialist

TWC - Total Wealth Concepts

The Architect of Financial Expertise

Meet Dan McKinnon, the cornerstone of our investment and planning practice. With a remarkable career spanning back to 1985, Dan's wealth of knowledge and expertise is the bedrock upon which our practice is built.

A Legacy of Wisdom

Dan's journey in the financial world began with Manulife, where he meticulously gathered a vast treasury of experience and insight over the years. His deep understanding of the industry and its intricacies is a testament to his dedication and commitment.

A Prestigious Designation

Today, Dan holds the prestigious title of a Designated Retirement Income Specialist, a distinction awarded to only a select few advisors in the province. This designation underscores his unparalleled understanding of the complexities surrounding retirement planning.

The Mastermind Behind the Scenes

While you may not see Dan front and center in client meetings anymore, his role is far from diminished. He serves as the chief income planner and liaison of information, providing invaluable consulting to Cory. Behind the scenes, his wealth of knowledge and experience are the driving force that propels our business forward.

The Heartbeat of Our Expertise

Dan's work on retirement plans remains as impeccable as ever, though he no longer involves himself in day-to-day operations. His passion for excellence and his unyielding dedication to our clients' financial well-being continue to shape our practice.

A World of Wisdom at Your Service

Experience the culmination of Dan's expertise in every aspect of our practice. His legacy remains an integral part of the professional guidance we provide to you, ensuring that your financial future is secure and thriving.

Contact us today to tap into the boundless wealth of knowledge and experience that Dan brings to the table. With him at the helm, you can trust that your financial journey is in the best of hands.