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Your TFSA in 2021. What Can You Contribute?

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When it comes to flexible investment tools, there's nothing quite like a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA). This registered account allows you to hold not just savings but also investment equities like stocks, bonds, investment fund and GICs. All of your investments grow tax-free in a TFSA. What's even better? You're not taxed when you make withdrawals, and you can reinvest that amount in future…

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Post-Holiday Debt? You're Not Alone

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"This is the last time I'm starting a new year saddled with credit card debt," says Tiffany, a 48-year-old computer analyst. "I've said this every January for the past five years. This year, I've got to keep this promise to myself. I don't want to spend another 12 months catching up, only to fall behind all over again. I can't take this stress anymore." Tiffany's resolve for a healthier…

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Helping Adult Children Buy A Home

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With the average price of a home in Canada 1 costing roughly $530,000 in 2020 , it's getting harder for first-time buyers to enter the market. This is likely why a growing number of parents are stepping up to help their adult children purchase a home. While it's admirable to offer this level of support in an increasingly expensive world, it's also a complex decision that both parents and their…

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Is Inflation Missing?

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Many commentators are expecting increased inflation in the coming months as Central Banks globally have ramped up their money creation efforts in response to the increased market volatility last March. There are different types of inflation, but most people have experienced price inflation, whereby excess demand is met by rising prices. The next round of anticipated inflation could be different…

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Holiday Spending Strategies

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The holiday season is a time for connection and giving, but it can also be costly. According to PwC Canada's 2019 Holiday Outlook report1, Canadians spent an average of $1593 on holiday shopping last year. As this year's present buying season begins, here are some helpful tips that could help you avoid overspending and taking on consumer debt that could follow you into the new year. Create an…

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