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Will you put your parents' retirement at risk?

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When Sarah graduated from university and got her first job as a regional sales rep, her parents bought her a car to ensure she'd have a reliable vehicle for the travelling her new position would require. Sadly, only weeks after receiving this generous gift, Sarah hit black ice while driving and lost control. Fortunately, she was alone, and no other vehicles were involved. Unfortunately, the…

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Caring For Aging Parents

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Today, 28% of Canadians provide some form of unpaid caregiving to relatives or family friends. Seniors make up the largest group of those requiring this type of care. The evolving concern is that 65+ is one of Canada’s fastest-growing segments and is expected to double over the next 20 years.1 This is a result of a combination of an aging population, longer life spans, improved medical…

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Planning Ahead During Uncertain Times

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As some provinces head into a second COVID-19 lockdown, some people are asking the question: Why bother investing for the long term? For many, especially Millennials, the task of building financial wealth and security looks increasingly hopeless. Even the most prudent small business owners were caught short during the lock down in the spring and many are now facing the prospect of permanently…

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Why You Should Choose a Financial Advisor

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There are common misconceptions about the value of working with a financial advisor. Some believe you have to be rich to be worthy of financial advice. Others take a DIY approach, believing that online resources will guide their needs. Some people feel that they are too young, too old, or too much in debt to benefit from working with a financial advisor. However, the truth is that financial…

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Planning to Protect Your Legacy

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Your estate is everything you own today - your home, savings, investments, life insurance and personal possessions. So, no matter where you may be on your financial journey, you have an estate that needs protecting. But how you approach this plan is important. Julie decided to save money by purchasing a "legal will kit" online. However, when she opened the kit, she learned that while it didn't…

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